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Refereed Journal Publications
- Mayorga ME, Ahn HS and Shanthikumar JG, 2006. Optimal Control of a Make-to- Stock Production System with Adjustable Service Rate. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 20 (4), 609-634.
- Arumugam R, Mayorga ME and Taaffe KM, 2009. Inventory Based Allocation Policies for Flexible Servers in Serial Systems. Annals of Operations Research, 172, 1-23.
- Mayorga ME, Taaffe KM and Arumugam R, 2009. Allocating Flexible Servers in Serial Systems with Switching Costs. Annals of Operations Research, 172, 231-242.
- McLay LA and Mayorga ME, 2010. Evaluating Emergency Medical Service Performance Measures. Health Care Management Science, Vol 13, No. 2.
- Mayorga ME and Subramanian R, 2010. Factoring Environmental Concerns in Supply Chain Decision-Making. Int. Journal of Business and Systems Research, 4 (4).
- McElreath MH, Mayorga ME and Kurz ME, 2010. Metaheuristics for Assortment Problems with Multiple Quality Levels. Computers & OR, 37, 1797-1804.
- McDonnell D, Mayorga ME, Benson L and Mears L, 2010. Stepping Out of Academics: The Effect of Authentic Learning Experiences on Attitudes of IE Students. Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering Education, Vol 1 No (2).
- Mayorga ME, Ahn HS, 2011. Joint Management of Capacity and Inventory in Make-to-Stock Production Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 212 (2), 312-324.
- Chanta S, Mayorga ME, Kurz ME, McLay, LA, 2011. The minimum p-envy location problem: a new model for equitable distribution of emergency resources. IIE Transactions in Healthcare Systems Engineering, Vol 1 (2), 101-115.
- McLay LA and Mayorga ME, 2011. Evaluating the Impact of Dispatching in Emergency Medical Service Performance Measures. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Vol 1 (3), 185-196.
- McElreath MH and Mayorga ME, 2012. A Dynamic Programming Approach to Solving the Assortment Planning Problem with Multiple Quality Levels. Computers & OR. Vol 39, 1521-1529.
- Bandara D, Mayorga ME, McLay LA, 2012. Optimal Dispatching Strategies for Emergency Vehicles to Increase Patient Survivability. International Journal of Operational Research, Vol 15 (2), 195-214.
- Bhattacharyya G, Mayorga ME and Melloy B, 2011. A Phenomenographic Analysis of Three Real-World Experiences in Clemson University’s Industrial Engineering Program. In Press,Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering Education.
- Chanta S, Mayorga ME and McLay LA, 2011. Improving Emergency Services in Rural Areas: A Bi-Objective Covering Location Model for EMS Systems. In Press, Annals of Operations Research, Vol 221(1) 133-159.
- Hunt KJ, Marlow NM, Gebregziabher M, Ellerbe CN, Mauldin J, Mayorga ME, Korte JE, 2012. Impact of maternal diabetes on birthweight is greater in non-Hispanic blacks than in non-Hispanic whites. Diabetologia, Vol 55(4), 971-80. (PMID: 22237686)
- Hunt KJ, Alanis MC, Johnson ER, Mayorga ME, Korte JE, 2013. Maternal pre-pregnancy weight and gestational weight gain and their association with birthweight with a focus on racial differences. Maternal & Child Health, Vol 17 (1), 85-94. (PMID: 22322428)
- McLay LA and Mayorga ME, 2012. An optimal dispatching model for server-to-customer systems with classification errors. IIE Transactions, Vol 45 (1), 1-24.
- Truong K, Mayorga ME and Reifsnider OS, Spitler H. Estimated Number of Preterm Births and Low Birth Weight Children Born in the United States Due to Maternal Binge Drinking. Maternal & Child Health, Vol 15 (1), (DOI 10.1006/s10995-012-1048-1).
- McLay LA and Mayorga ME, 2013. A dispatching model for server-to-customer systems that balances efficiency and equity. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol 15 (2), 205-220.
- Mayorga ME, Bandara D and McLay LA, 2013. Districting and Dispatching Polices to Improve the Efficiency of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Systems. IIE Transactions in Healthcare Systems Engineering, Vol 3 (1), 39-56.
- Toro-Diaz HH, Mayorga ME, Chanta S and McLay LA, 2013. Joint location and dispatching decisions for Emergency Medical Services. Computers & IE, Vol 64, 917-928.
- Childers AK, Mayorga ME and Taffee KM. Prioritization Strategies for Patient Evacuations. Health Care Management Science, Vol 17(1),77-87. (doi: 10.1007/s10729-013-9236-0)
- Bandara D, Mayorga ME and McLay LA, 2013. Priority Dispatching Strategies for EMS Systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Sep 2013. (DOI:10.1057/jors.2013.95)
- Mayorga ME, Reifsnider OS, Neyens D, Gebregziabher M and Hunt KJ. 2013. Simulated Estimates of Pre-pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the US: 1980 to 2008. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73437. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0073437)
- Mayorga ME, Ahn HS and Aydin G, 2013. Optimal Assortment and Stocking Decisions with Multiple Quality Levels. Annals of Operations Research, Vol 211(1), 301-331.
- Sudtachat KS, Mayorga ME, McLay LA. 2014. Recommendations for Dispatching Emergency Vehicles under a Multi-tiered Response via Simulation. International Transactions in Operational Research. Vol 2, 581-617. (DOI: 10.1111/itor.12083)
- Chanta S, Mayorga ME, McLay LA. 2014. The minimum p-envy location problem: focusing on survivability of patients. Computers & IE, Vol 74, 228-239.
- Toro-Diaz HH, Mayorga ME, Rajagopalan H, Saydam C, 2014. Reducing disparities in large scale emergency medical service system. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Sep 2014. (DOI:10.1057/jors.2014.83)
- Toro-Diaz HH, Mayorga ME, Wheeler S, Orman E and Barritt S. Predicting Liver Transplant Capacity Using Discrete Event Simulation. EPub ahead of print, Nov 12 2014. (PMID: 25391681)
- Mayorga ME, Reifsnider OS, Zinan Yi and Hunt KJ. Trends in BMI and Obesity in US Women of Childbearing Age from 1980 to 2010. Online Publication Dec 26, 2014. (DOI: 10.1057/hs.2014.29)
- Lynch CP, Baker N, Korte JE, Mauldin JG, Mayorga ME, Hunt KJ. Trends in Diabetes during Pregnancy in South Carolina. In Press, Journal of Women’s Health. Accepted Jan 2015.
- Ansari S, McLay LA, Mayorga ME. A maximum expected covering problem for district design. In Press, Transportation Science, Accepted Feb 2015.
- Orman ES, Mayorga ME, Wheeler SB, Townsley RM, Toro-Diaz HH, Hayashi PM, Barritt AS. 2015. Declining Liver Graft Quality Threatens the Future of Liver Transplantation in the United States. Liver Transplantation, Accepted March 2015. EPub ahead of print, May 4 2015. (DOI: 10.1002/lt.24160)
- Sudtachat K, Mayorga ME, McLay LA. 2016. A Nested-Compliance Table Policy for Emergency Medical Service Systems under Relocation. OMEGA, Vol 58: 154-168. (DOI:10.1016/
- Saydam C, Rajagopalan H, Zaffar A, Sharer E, Mayorga ME. Coverage, Survivability or Response Time: A Comparative Study of Performance Statistics used in Ambulance Location Models via Simulation Optimization. Operations Research for Healthcare, Accepted Aug 2016.
- Wheeler SB et al.* (Author 10 of 13). 2017. Multilevel Predictors of Colorectal Cancer Testing Modality among Publicly and Privately Insured People Turning 50. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2017 June (6): 9-16. PMCID: PMC5300695,
- Hassmiller Lich K, Cornejo D, Mayorga ME, et al. Comparing programs to increase colorectal cancer screening and address disparities: A cost-effectiveness analysis in North Carolina. Preventing Chronic Disease. Accepted 2017. doi: 10.5888/pcd14.160158.
- Yi Z, Mayorga ME, Hassmiller Lich K, Pearson J. Changes in cigarette smoking initiation, cessation, and relapse among U.S. adults: a comparison of two longitudinal samples. Tobacco Induced Diseases. Accepted 2017. DOI: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001851
- Mayorga ME, Wolczynski J, Lodree E. Optimal Assignment of Spontaneous Volunteers. JORS, 68(9), 1106-1116. DOI 10.1057/s41274-017-0219-2
- Yi Z, Mayorga ME, Orman ES, Wheeler SB, Hayadashi P, Barritt AS. 2017. Trends in characteristics of patients listed for liver transplantation will lead to higher rates of waitlist removal due to clinical deterioration. Transplantation, In Press.DOI: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001851
- Enayati S, Mayorga ME, Rajagopalan HK, Saydam C. 2017. Real-time Ambulance Redeployment Approach to Improve Service Coverage with Fair and Restricted Workload for EMS Providers. OMEGA, In Press. DOI 10.1016/
- Nasrollah Zadeh AA, Khademi A, Mayorga ME. 2017. Real-Time Ambulance Dispatching and Relocation. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. In Press.
Book Chapters
- Leclerc, P.D., McLay, L.A., Mayorga, M.E. “Modeling equity for allocation in public resources”. Community-Based Operations Research: Decision Modeling for Local Impact and Diverse Populations, (1 ed.) (M. Johnson, Ed.), New York, Springer, Vol 167, 2012, pp 3-36.
- Maria E. Mayorga and Ravi Subramanian. 2009. “Incorporating Environmental Concerns in Supply Chain Optimization”. Environmentally Conscious Material Handling, John Wily & Sons, Inc. Edited by Myer Kutz.
- Townsley R, Mayorga ME, Barritt SA, Orman E. Forecasting Recipient Outcomes of Deceased Donor Livers. Under Review, Book Chapter in Stochastic Models and Analytics in Healthcare. Publisher – World Scientific. In Press.
Papers Under Revision/Review
- Hosseini N, Taffee K, Mayorga ME. Accommodating elective and non-elective cases on the day of surgery. Under Review, Computers & IE, Submitted May 2015.
- Pierce B, Antani K, Kurz ME, Mayorga ME, Mears ML. An effective integer program for a general assembly line balancing problem with parallel workers and additional assignment restrictions. Under Review, IIE Transactions. Submitted Jan 2016.
- Enayati S, Mayorga ME, Toro-Diaz H, McLay LA. A multi-criteria approach for the simultaneous optimization of location and multi-priority dispatching of ambulances. Under Review ITOR, submitted February 2017.
- Yi Z, Mayorga ME, Wheeler SB, Hayadashi P, Barritt AS, Orman ES. The Changing Liver Transplant Waitlist is Associated with Increasing Waitlist Dropout. Under Review Clinical Transplantation, submitted May 2017.
- Enyati S., Ozaltin O., Mayorga ME. Ambulance Redeployment and Dispatching under Uncertainty Considering EMS Personnel Workload Limitations. Under Review, IIE Transactions. Submitted May 2017. Major Revision Decision August 2017.
- Sudtachat K, Mayorga ME, Wirekha K. A Decision Model for Transporting Sugarcane: Joint Districting and Quantity Lot Sizing . Submitted to OR Spectrum. August 2017.
- Velazquez GA, Mayorga ME, Cruz EAR. Prepositioning Inventory for Disasters: a Robust and Equitable Model. Submitted to OR Spectrum. August 2017.
Working Papers
- Townsley R, Mayorga ME, Hassmiller-Lich K. The Impact of the Affordable Care Act and potential Medicaid Expansion on Colorectal Cancer in North Carolina African American Males. Intended for Preventing Chronic Diseases
- Paret K, Mayorga ME, McKenzie K. Optimal Assignment of Spontaneous Volunteers under Stochastic Demand. Intended for MSOM.
- Hunt KJ, Korte JE, Mayorga ME, Gebregziabher MG.Diabetes during pregnancy and fetal growth in siblings: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. Submitted July 2016.